Are you ready to unlock your magic?

Your soul has a purpose, your heart craves expansion.

 We get pulled away from our truth and the depths of our soul with life’s stresses and experiences. If you want to get energetically aligned and return to your highest Self, your soul has guided you to the right place.

Let’s remove the blocks and the layers to rediscover and unlock your magic.

1:1 Spiritual Mentorship

Get four sessions of deepening and expansion in a Spiritual Mentorship with me. Throughout the four sessions over a 6-week period, we’ll work on identifying and moving through the blocks or limiting beliefs, deepening the connection to your guides and highest Self, strengthening your intuition, and exploring your purpose and passions.

I use a vast array of tools that integrate mind, body, and spirit, including sound healing, HypnoBreathwork, meditation, energetic healing, mindfulness practices, and much more. The work will be practical, sprinkled with some magic, and you’ll learn tools to continue growing on your path afterward.

In between our sessions, there may be homework assignments that you’ll do in your own time. I’ll be available to you for questions, guidance, support, and feedback. We will connect through Zoom for all meetings.

Includes: One 30-minute discovery call, four 1-hour virtual sessions, access to me throughout the six weeks in-between sessions.

Akashic Blueprint and Sound Journey

This is a heart-opening activation for your soul, where you’ll connect to and work with your guides. I’ll access your soul’s blueprint through the Akashic Records to provide clarity on your path forward, helping you move through the present moment, answering any questions, and unlocking the magic within.

With this information, we will drop in for an Alchemy Sound Journey, entering into a meditative state in Theta brain waves and accessing the subconscious mind for reprogramming and optimal healing. Release and restoration are on the way!

You will leave feeling relaxed and renewed with purpose and clarity. This experience can be virtual or in-person (South Florida area).

Includes: 1.5 hour session including Akashic Reading and Sound Journey

Akashic Records Reading

The Akashic Records contain the energetic blueprint of your soul—the remembrance of each experience, thought, and emotion chosen by your soul lives here, all held together in divine love and truth.

During the reading, your Masters and Guides will assist me in bringing forth the messages you need at this time. You will be able to gain clarity on recurring themes, gain insight into specific relationships, guidance on aligning with your future, and a greater sense of purpose and destiny. This experience is a virtual meeting through Zoom.

Includes: One 30-minute virtual session

HypnoBreathwork Coaching

Breath is our life force, and we can tap into the magical powers of our breath for healing and expansion. Breathwork is a therapy that uses circular, connected breaths to access altered states of consciousness and clear suppressed emotions and stagnant energy from the mind and body.

HypnoBreathwork is a cutting-edge healing method that uses the power of breath to clear energetic patterns, hypnosis to reprogram subconscious beliefs, and visioning to fire new neural pathways for sustainable behavioral and thought pattern change.

This formula accelerates trance-induced states that allow for healing unprocessed emotions from the root, helping you take intuitive action to create the life you want.

During our session, we’ll have time to connect and discuss where we’d like to create clarity. We’ll also set intentions for the session. Once we begin working, I’ll tailor a playlist and vocal cues to your specific topic. As you move through the breathwork, I will give cues to tap into the subconscious as we unblock and reprogram.

You will walk away with clear action steps coming directly through your soul’s vision rather than the ego. This experience is a virtual meeting through Zoom.

Includes: One 1-hour virtual session

Curated Ceremonies and Blessings

Life’s events deserve to be celebrated with intention, beauty, and energy behind it. A curated ceremony will be held in the recipient’s honor for all guests to participate, including personal smudging, meditation, sound healing, and intentional blessings.

Examples of Curated Ceremonies and Blessings include Baby Blessings, Bridal Blessings, Solar Return Ceremonies, and any celebration of life!

Add-ons can include a cacao ceremony, gentle yoga, breathwork, affirmation cards, flower and crystal mandala, and much more. Allow me to create something special based on your vision.

Not sure which is the best option for you?

If you’re curious about which modality would work best for you or are unsure which healing will have the greatest impact, contact me, and I’ll advise you on a path forward. Sessions can be tailored to meet your exact needs.

“ With everyday life, I often feel as though my head and brain are ringing prior to attending Jessica’s sound healing. During the ceremony, Jessica has a very calming voice while guiding us, and her ability to use the sound bowls really helps my body get rid of stress!”

– Ryan

Wherever you are in your journey, I will meet you. Get in touch and I’ll guide you to determine the best option with optimal results for YOU.