My Spiritual Journey: A Story of Awakening

March 18, 2024
Woman standing at ocean

If you are being called to the spiritual path and are starting a spiritual journey, you may experience upheaval and turbulence in your life. Don’t worry! It’s all part of the process and you’ll come out stronger in the end. 

In this post, I explain what a spiritual journey is and what you can expect if you are currently experiencing one. I also share more about my own spiritual awakening journey and how it led me to find my purpose. 

What is a Spiritual Journey?

A spiritual awakening typically begins with an unexpected event or crisis in your life, triggering you to begin questioning, and to be curious about your life and existence. This can even happen multiple times throughout your life, although sometimes we are not ready and won’t recognize it or be willing to accept it. It can look different for everyone, so not one specific thing will activate an awakening for everyone. It is also important to note that not everyone is meant to have a deep spiritual awakening in this lifetime. 

Once you are activated, the feelings of restlessness or discontent may start, prompting a deeper exploration of your beliefs or existence. As your spiritual journey unfolds, you can expect to encounter moments of clarity and confusion as old paradigms are questioned and new insights emerge. There may be periods of intense introspection accompanied by a heightened awareness of the interconnectedness of all things. Emotions may fluctuate, ranging from profound joy to profound sadness, as the layers of conditioning are peeled away to reveal the essence of your true self. This is a true spiritual healing journey and will not always look pretty or be all “love and light.” Be prepared to embrace the unknown and surrender to the flow of this self-awakening journey, for it is through this surrender that transformation truly begins.

My Spiritual Journey

I surprise myself when I think about my own journey—it almost feels like an out-of-body experience. Is this truly how my path has unfolded? At times, it doesn’t feel real.  

My spiritual journey was activated by a divorce that came by surprise, and along with it, infidelity and deception. Looking back over my life, I had always been intuitive and had moments of clarity, but it wasn’t until my life had been turned upside down that my spiritual journey truly began. 

As you might expect, this was a tumultuous experience where I needed help processing. 

I was using talk therapy as a consistent outlet but eventually found hot yoga. My mat became my safe place—a place to get out of my head, to cry, to forget about the outside world, and to reorganize my thoughts and emotions. Yoga, my first teacher and first studio, opened me up to a whole new world and introduced me to meditation, sound healing, and energy work. I am forever grateful for her and the impact she had on my inner world. 

Five years later, I was activated again. On a trip to Tulum, I had experiences with different modalities like Biodynamic Breathwork, sound healing, tantra class and kundalini yoga. This work began to release emotions and stress on a cellular level. I felt incredibly powerful shifts, and even had out-of-body experiences. From there, my spiritual awakening began to snowball in a major way.

At this time in my life, I was in a place where a high-pressure career, daily life stressors, and a series of failed relationships brought me to a place where every aspect of my life became emotionally and physically draining. I intuitively turned to spiritually for answers and tried it all—the modalities, plant medicines, events, teachers, and certifications. 

A series of events and retreats put me on a fast track to uncover the layers of who I thought I was.  Deep healing and transformation poured into my life so that I could discover who I really was at the core. I went through the depths of my own shadows to face myself, which was not easy. 

Through my awakening and spiritual journey, it was revealed to me what my true purpose and calling was, which was being of service to others and becoming the bridge between the mystical and the logical. 

What to Expect When Experiencing a Spiritual Journey 

The experience of your spiritual journey is a personal one. You will experience a profound shift in consciousness that leads to a deeper understanding of yourself, the world, and the interconnectedness of all things. It often also involves an awakening to the spiritual dimension of life, transcending the limitations of the ego and the material world. 

While the experience of a spiritual awakening journey is highly individual and can vary widely from person to person, there are some common threads you can anticipate on your own journey:

  • Expanded Awareness: One of the hallmarks of a spiritual awakening is a heightened sense of awareness and perception. This can include a greater sensitivity to energy, increased intuition, and a deeper appreciation for the beauty and interconnectedness of all life.
  • Inner Transformation: A spiritual awakening often involves a profound inner transformation, as old beliefs, patterns, and conditioning are challenged and transcended. This process can feel intense and may involve periods of confusion, emotional upheaval, and inner turmoil as you confront aspects of yourself that may have been hidden or repressed.
  • Connection to Something Greater: During a spiritual awakening, you may feel a deep sense of connection to something greater than yourself—whether it be the universe, nature, or a higher power. This connection provides a sense of meaning, purpose, and direction in life and can serve as a guiding force on the spiritual path.
  • Seeking Truth: A spiritual awakening is often accompanied by a strong desire to seek truth and understanding, both about oneself and the nature of reality. This can lead you to explore various spiritual practices, philosophies, and teachings in search of wisdom and insight.
  • Oneness and Unity: As you awaken to the spiritual dimension of life, you may experience a profound sense of oneness and unity with all creation. This is common. This can lead to a shift in perspective, where the boundaries between self and others begin to dissolve, and a deep sense of compassion and empathy for all beings emerges.
  • Integration and Growth: While a spiritual awakening can be a profound and life-changing experience, it is also an ongoing process of integration and growth. It requires patience, self-awareness, and a willingness to continue exploring and evolving on the spiritual path.

Things to Keep in Mind When Going on a Spiritual Journey 

Overall, a spiritual awakening is a deeply transformative experience that can bring about profound healing, growth, and awakening to the true nature of reality. It is a journey of self-discovery and self-realization that has the potential to fundamentally shift how you see yourself and the world around you. 

The integration throughout the journey is to bring all of your insights, compassion, and connectedness into the spaces and community around you. How do you now react to uncomfortable situations? Can you now see the love and goodness within others’, even when their behaviors are not ideal? Are you able to empathize more deeply with those around you?

Wherever you may be on your healing journey, just know that you are exactly where you are meant to be. It is all in divine timing, and you are aligned with your highest path.  

In closing

A spiritual awakening is a beautiful unfolding. Having the support of someone who has traversed their own healing journey can be invaluable. They can offer empathy, guidance, and understanding, knowing the intricacies and challenges of such a profound transformation. Having mentors and a strong support system throughout my spiritual journey made all of the difference. 

Through my own experience, I am now here to meet you and provide support wherever you may be, to help you unpack and break free while you experience the excitement of transformation, growth, and vibrational alignment. 

Should you feel called to work together, let’s connect to see how I can best support you along your self awakening journey.  

I also have a special project that will be launching in early May, with great insight on the journey more in-depth. Be sure to sign up for the newsletter to stay in touch for all the updates!  

Love, Always. 


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