Spiritual Healing Modalities

Experience the extraordinary potential of your innate Divine Wisdom. Work with trusted spiritual healing modalities such as the Akashic Records, sound healing, HypnoBreathwork and more.

Each session is unique and will use the best tools to address your concerns, leading you to restorative and regenerative healing.

Akashic Records

The Akashic Records are a blueprint of your soul, energetically containing each moment and expression of every life your soul has experienced, all woven together by divine love and truth. As an Akashic Records reader, I am able to access the ancient wisdom in the Records and share deep insight and wisdom with you.

Think of the Akashic Records as a limitless dimension, a library of your soul spanning the past, the present moment and what is to come. Opening the Records is a source of remembrance for your soul and helps provide guidance and healing in the present day.

During a reading, I step out of the way to connect with your Masters and Guides so that you can gain insights on specific relationships, reoccurring themes, guidance on aligning to your future and get a greater sense of purpose and clarity. The Records are loving, supportive and will open up paths for growth and expansion.

Sound Healing

Everything in our universe is energy vibrating at a specific frequency. Every cell in your body responds to sound and utilizes different vibrations and frequencies to balance the mind, body and soul. With this, sound is an ancient tool for healing and transformation.

Weakened or chaotic vibrations are entrained with steady and powerful sounds that are tone-targeted for specific parts of the body, psychology and spirit. Scientific studies have shown that sound frequencies can produce changes on the immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems, as well as have a positive effect on the emotional body and nervous system.

Through sound healing, you’ll quieten the mind and support the body into a relaxed Theta state. Here, you can begin to release what no longer serves you and start healing. Once you’re in a dreamlike state, you may begin to see colors, shapes or receive messages that need to come through.


HypnoBreathwork is a cutting edge healing method that brings amazing results.

Using a combination of breathwork, hypnosis and visioning, this modality can be used to clear energetic patterns, reprogram subconscious beliefs and create new neural pathways for sustainable behavioral and thought pattern changes.

With all of these three processes taking place concurrently, HypnoBreathwork accelerates the trance-induced states to heal unprocessed emotions from the root, helping you take intuitive action to create the life you want.

When HypnoBreathwork is used in a session, playlists and vocal cues will be tailored to your specific topic or area of concern.

As you move through the breathwork, I will give cues to tap into the subconscious as we unblock and reprogram.

You will walk away with clear action steps that will come directly through your soul’s vision.

Energy Healing

Energy healing activates the body’s subtle energy systems to remove blocks.

Our energy systems, such as the chakras and meridians, are impacted by the traumas we carry physically, emotionally and psychologically. Oftentimes, the pain we are experiencing is due to unseen or stuck emotion in the body.

This stagnant energy within the body can be identified and transmuted, restoring full functionality of our energetic system so that the body can continue to heal itself.


“I have known Jessica for 12 years, and it is amazing to see the transformation she has undergone and how much peace I feel just being in her presence. She has truly unlocked many special gifts, including sound healing.

I have been lucky enough to experience sound healing with her privately and in several group settings.

She has also generously donated her time and gifts to my women’s group, Boss Babes, each time being incredibly special and magical. The women have been blown away with her sound healing—whether they went into a deep relaxation, saw someone that has passed away, or unlocked something holding them back.

Jess is also in touch with how I’m feeling without me even saying anything—she can sense if I have anxiety or calmness. When I have gone through some heavy life changes and major jet lag, yet am able to get into a peaceful almost dream-like state, envisioning a beautiful future during her sound bath.

I can also lay still when she is doing her sound healing which is a real challenge for me normally!

She also uses her voice to guide us through meditation, walks around, plays other instruments, and takes on a true journey through sound. She keeps perfecting her craft and her energy keeps getting stronger and more powerful.

She is a student, a learner, traveling to the far ends of the world to continue being enlightened so she can serve others, which she has found is her true purpose.

I would highly recommend Jessica for a private or group sound healing session. No matter what is going on in your life, you’ll feel lighter and happier after. You may even feel reassured. And you will certainly be wanting to come back for more.”

– Lauren

What to expect during a session

Whether you opt for an in-person or virtual session, the only thing I require is an open heart and an open mind to receive the messages, release and intuitive action steps that can take place.

Step 1

Before your session, please take some time to prepare questions and specifics on the areas to work through.

Step 2

We will begin each session in conversation to explore any specific areas of interest that you would like to focus on.

Step 3

From there, all you have to do is get comfortable, relax and receive while I do all of the work.

Step 4

During your session, you may feel energetic shifts, have downloads come through, see colors or shapes or simply fall asleep. You will leave relaxed and with spiritual guidance.

Once the session is complete, there will be time for integration together afterwards. My only request is that you avoid consumption of drugs or alcohol 24 hours prior to and after the session.

If you are having an Akashic Records reading within your session, I will—with your permission—connect with your Masters and Guides to assist in bringing forth messages you need to hear at this exact moment in time. This will be an open conversation, however, I encourage you to take some time to prepare your questions in advance so that you can get the most out of your session.

Get ready to unlock your magic

Remove the emotional and mental blocks that are preventing you from living your highest timeline.