Discovering Your Purpose: A Journey Within

July 1, 2024
Jessica Morgan

Have you ever wondered about your purpose on earth? Maybe you feel lost as you move throughout life, unfulfilled in your current situation. Or maybe you feel like you have a bigger mission, but you’re not exactly sure what it is.

Many people experience this elusive search for direction and meaning. As more people awaken, they have a greater sense of asking the question, “What am I here to do?”

I frequently hear from clients and friends that the quest for purpose is like a perpetual search for something with deeper meaning. If you’re unsure of your purpose right now, that’s perfectly okay.
In this blog post, we’ll explore what it truly means to find your purpose—a topic close to my heart. I truly believe that each of us is divinely guided towards fulfilling our unique purpose on earth. My hope is that after reading this post, you’ll feel the pull too.

Secrets to Finding Your Purpose

Finding your purpose is not an easy, linear path; from my experience, I have some insight to share that could help you along the way. Here are a few secrets that I have learned through my own journey.

  • Secret #1: Your purpose is not necessarily your career or what makes you money. Many of us are conditioned to think that our job or the field we choose to work in is our life’s purpose. However, this isn’t the case. Your true purpose lies in tapping into your innate gifts and talents and sharing them in the world for the greater good. Your purpose is what fuels your soul.
  • Secret #2: Not everyone is destined for a “higher spiritual existence.” The idea that each person on earth is here to fulfill an epic mission is not true. Not everyone is meant to be the next Mother Theresa or a groundbreaking healer. This is a path for some but not for all. Your purpose might be simple yet significant, such as being a nurturing, loving parent and caretaker to your household and raising beautiful humans.
  • Secret #3: Not every aspect of your life will contribute to your purpose. For example, your purpose may be about raising awareness for a certain cause that you’re passionate about, but you may need to work a 9-to-5 corporate job as well as focus on the cause you care about.

The Soul’s Journey

Here’s the thing…

During our time on this earthly plane, the soul is here to evolve. It has come to this earthly plane to have life experiences, feel the spectrum of emotions, meet different people to learn from and share experiences with, clear karma, and ultimately, expand on a soul level.

I like to think of each lifetime, each incarnation, as an opportunity to uplevel—like advancing levels in a video game.

Eventually, after enough levels have been mastered, the soul will have what is needed to stay on the other side and assist others during their time on earth from the great beyond. Each vastly different incarnation has its unique purpose, contributing to the soul’s expansion.

Finding Your Purpose: A Journey Inward

You don’t have to take a quiz or solve a riddle to discover your purpose. It’s more of a journey—a journey inward.

Finding your purpose is about understanding who you are at your core, understanding what drives you, and what makes you feel alive. Your true purpose is about recognizing your own gifts and using them to contribute to the world. When your authentic purpose becomes clear, you’ll naturally be able to share it with the world!

Throughout your life, you’ll receive activations and nudges from the universe. These hints will guide you on your path and gently push you in the right direction. The more you connect within, the deeper you are willing to delve to discover who you are, and the clearer your purpose becomes.

Eventually, at precisely the right time, there will be a knowing, and you’ll know your purpose with certainty. You will know, without a doubt, the purpose you are here to serve during this lifetime.

My Personal Journey

For most of my life, I believed that my purpose was to hold a successful career in corporate retail. In my job, I helped women feel beautiful through clothing. I thought this was an incredible gift—to help another woman express herself in the world—until one day, I reached major burnout.

The job that I loved was no longer fulfilling, and I realized I couldn’t continue for another 20+ years. My big “A-ha!” moment came during a retreat in Sedona in 2020. I realized I had a deeper purpose to serve others in their healing and spiritual journeys.

What I didn’t realize is that there were activations that had started long before the Sedona retreat—I was just not ready to see them. Even after Sedona, I didn’t have clarity on exactly what I would be doing, but I knew I had a deeper purpose in being in service. I knew I had gifts to help and support others on their healing paths.

Did I know what those gifts were immediately? Absolutely not.

It took time—connecting within, exploring different modalities, becoming a sponge and learning everything I could, releasing boatloads of tears, processing my own life experiences and shadows. Over time, it became more clear. Even today, it continues to evolve. But I have the innate knowing that I am meant to be deep in service.

Jessica Morgan healing session

Tools for Self-Discovery

Here are some of my favorite tools, modalities, and resources that have helped me along my path of finding my purpose throughout my journey:

  • Reading the Akashic Records has given me a deeper understanding of my destiny. Connecting with guides and exploring these tools can offer incredible guidance.
  • Journaling is another powerful tool for introspection and self-reflection. It helps articulate thoughts, feelings, and aspirations, providing clarity and uncovering patterns and hidden dreams. I’ve shared some journal prompts for you below.
  • Astrology is also a big eye-opener. It is simply information that helps us navigate our time on earth. There are clues in your birth chart that can give guidance on your purpose. If you need a recommendation for an amazing astrologer, get in touch! I’m happy to share!

Journal Prompts to Discover Your Purpose

One of my favorite ways to gain introspection and self-reflection is by journaling. There is something special about putting pen to paper and allowing the words to flow out that feels so good.

When you can drop out of the mind and allow for the flow—this is when the soul comes through and speaks to you. Journaling can help articulate your thoughts, feelings, and aspirations, providing clarity about the complexities of life. It can help you uncover patterns, recognize recurring themes, and unearth hidden dreams and talents.

I’ve curated some of my favorite journal prompts for you to help discover your purpose. I hope that you can find them as useful as I have!

  • What subjects or topics do I find myself researching or learning about in my free time?
  • Think of a time when you felt deeply fulfilled or accomplished. What were you doing?
  • Describe moments in your life when you felt most aligned with your true self.
  • What accomplishments would bring me the most fulfillment and happiness?
  • What is important to me and gives deeper meaning to my life?
  • What would I do if money and resources were no problem?
  • What brings the most happiness and joy into my life?
  • What do you hope to see when you look back at your life?

Embrace the Journey

Self-discovery is a continuous process of evolution and alignment with your true essence. Trust in yourself, connect with your inner wisdom, and honor the unique path that is ever-unfolding for you. When you remain open to all possibilities, magic happens.

I would love to hear about your journey in discovering your purpose. Leave a comment below! If you’re interested in an Akashic Records reading or want to dive deeper into discovering your purpose, let’s book a session. I would be honored to support you.

Know that you are exactly where you’re meant to be. It’s all part of the process.

Love, Always.


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